Rohingya Urgently Need Rice in Rakhine State
- 02/03/2016
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Pauktaw, Arakan State: Most of the Rohingya people living in ghettos of Rakhine (Arakan) State since the onset of Genocide against Rohingya are cut off access in food, school and medicine.
WFP has been the sole provider of aids to thousands of iternally displaced Rohingya with basic ration such as rice while majority remains without any humanitarian assistance.
The organization has been providing rice to Rohingya families in Anauk Pyin IDP camp of Rathedaung since 2012, however they are yet to receive any aids in February, which causes more than 2,000 Rohingya starving.
More than 500 Rohingya families in Nget Chanung IDP camp, Pauktaw and another 70 families in Parien and Yanthay camps of Mrauk U are urgent need of rice and other basic livestock.
The expected El Niño extreme weather phenomenon is likely to cause the humanitarian crisis reach to critical condition in March, April and May.
For more update @Aungaungsittwe